IIT-Delhi and Taiwan's University

IIT-Delhi and Taiwan's University launched the combined PhD program

IIT-Delhi has launched a joint PhD program in collaboration with the University of Taiwan's National Chiao Tung (NCTU). Students taking admission under this program will spend half-a-time in both the universities. The successful line of successful students in this PhD program will be of both countries. The process of applying for the PhD program in IIT-Delhi has already begun.

ICT-Delhi students selected to apply in NCTU

Dean BR Mehta of the Department of Research and Development at IIT-Delhi, informed about this program and said that successful students for the PhD program in IIT-Delhi can later apply for research in NCTU. After being selected in IIT-Delhi, the student will have to apply in NCTU. He said that the research work of students will be selected by both the institutes and the teachers of both the institutes.

Industry priority in research
Dean of IIT Delhi says that no particular area of ​​research is definite, but industry-specific research will be preferred and students will get additional scholarship for this. They say that Taiwanese market and NCTU are known for their work in the field of semiconductors and opto-electronics. In this way, students interested in research in these areas are more likely to choose. Web results FREE Hindi to English Translation - Instant English Translation
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